Monday 13 January 2014

Tips to soothe morning sickness.

Pregnancy is the most amazing time for any women, it’s the best phase of ones life, the feeling of carrying your baby can never be described in words. The only hitch in this beautiful journey is morning sickness.
                  Ohh!! Such a bubble breaker, but all good things come with a pinch of salt. So morning sickness comes with pregnancy.
Nearly every to be mom suffers with it, begins around the 4th week gradually goes up with the 8th and 9th week being the zenith time. The symptoms of morning sickness reduce as you reach 18th week.
There isn’t much you can do to deal with morning sickness except try a few alternative methods as excessive use of medication to cure it should be avoided.

1. During the 8th week when your morning sickness is at its peak try and avoid work, its best cure is to sleep it over. Going to work may not be the right thing to do as it will unnecessary make you hyper and jittery.

2. Morning sickness is a lot associated with smell too. At times during the day a bad odor can aggravate it, in such times keeping a lemony fragrance or an herbed fragrance like thyme and rosemary can help you with some kind of relief.  Breathing in fresh air will also help you a lot.

3. Eating a good breakfast also helps in bringing the acids down thus relieving you to some extent. But make sure you start your day with a glass of cold milk or flavored cold milk and not caffeine. Caffeine is known to increase morning sickness. Having a bowl of fruits some nuts and cereal is a good way to start your day and help morning sickness stay away.

4. Talking about what bothers you will also help you. Let me explain no ones knows what can trigger morning sickness not even you. But if you are aware that certain food s or smells make you sick talk about it to your family to your husband. This way they are aware of what is making you sick and can help you stay away from such odors.

5. Keep a track of when your sickness triggers the most, during early hour’s of the morning or afternoons or evenings or late nights. Once you are able to know what time you feel sick the most some preventive steps can be taken at that time to keep the sickness at bay. An outdoor walk or may be lighting up some calming aroma candles, even a small drive or a shot of cold milk or an ice cream treat all these can help you feel better.

6. Drink lots and lots of fluids. Every article on pregnancy I have maintained how essential it is to keep your body well hydrated. In this case it also helps too sipping on water or coconut water or juices the entire day will also help in dealing with morning sickness.

7. Eat healthy and fresh food. Processed foods or salty fried foods can also trigger acidity thus causing morning sickness. Keeping a healthy diet does wonders to you your baby and helps in reducing morning sickness.

8 Eat every other hour. Eating small and frequent meals is also a great way to fight morning sickness. Never over eat and nor under eat in both cases you will suffer from nausea.

9. Keep yourself busy and distracted either with getting your home ready for your bundle of joy or just stepping out and meeting friends even a walk in a park keep yourself busy.

10. Stay positive and happy. Smiling is the best medicine and therapy. So all thru your pregnancy child birth even post pregnancy keep smiling and stay positive it will have some marvelous effects on  you and your baby.

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