Friday 14 March 2014

Are you doing enough to keep your baby clean?

A question that often haunts every mother day in and day out. Come on you’re the mom you know better. I understand you’re a first time mother and you are worried if you are doing enough. You do take efforts to keep yourself and your house spick and span take a little more effort than that and you will do everything right in keeping your toddler clean . In the end you are a grown up and you know how crucial it is to be hygienic and keeping your environment clean, same way your baby and your babies environment clean.

In this illness and allergy phobic times we are always paranoid on how clean we can keep our babies. Every other day there is a new bacteria causing sickness In children and making us more anxious than ever.

Living in extreme climatic conditions giving the baby often baths is also not possible. Especially during the winters when cold waves and snow are making us shiver, giving the baby a bath is the last thing on your mind. Even throughout the year evenings are more or less pleasant and evening baths are always going to be stressful.

There are ways and means through which we can ensure our babies are clean and not putting them through the risk of falling sick due to our obsession with cleanliness.
  1. Giving the baby a hot water bath in the afternoon is always better, and make sure when you do so all your windows are shut and also your air conditioning system. Keep the baby wrapped up in their towel till you get their stuff ready. Make sure to wash the baby’s hair every time you bathe her. Moisturizing the baby after a bath is a must, as bathing tends to dry their skin so massage in a good baby lotion is essential.
  2. During winters when bathing is not an option, adding some baby cologne or savlon in hot water and giving them a sponge will make them feel fresh and will calm you too as you know you have done your job of cleaning the baby.
  3. While changing the babies diaper even if it is just a routine change make sure you have wiped the area clean with a baby wipe and only after than reapply the diaper rash cream and then make them wear the diaper. After you have finished cleaning your babies make sure you wash your hands well or at least wipe your hands with a wet wipe too.
  4. Be it severe winters autumn spring or summers make sure you change your baby’s clothes periodically. Minimum 3 to 4 changes is a must, and every time you change your baby a quick cleaning with the baby wipe should be done too.
  5. Keeping the baby clean just doesn’t mean bathing and keeping the body and hair clean it also involves keeping the babies stuff like toys, cutlery, soothers, bottles clean and sterilized.
  6. If your baby has teeth make sure you buy a soft baby brush and clean your babies’ teeth at least once a day. The number of times the baby needs to brush will increase as they grow older.
There is no hard and fast rule to follow to keep your babies clean, you know your baby and their health and habits, stitch a cleanliness routine around the baby.

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