Friday 2 May 2014

9 Things no one ever tells you when you are having a baby

We think we know it all but fact remains we have no idea at all. Every pregnancy is different not necessary what your mother or mother in law or even your sister went through you will go through is not at all necessary.  As every child is unique same way every pregnancy is different.
  1. During pregnancy your hair does get thick and healthy many women see their hair become lustrous and long and strong, but after your delivery you will loose locks considerably specially in the first 6 months after delivery.
  2. Not in all but in some cases unfortunately women suffer from morning sickness all through their nine months in most it subsides after the first trimester, but in some they suffer all through the nine months.
  3. Many women are known to cry a lot no reason no rhyme nothing their hormones are acting up and they will cry continuously. No need to fright over it, it is just a phase.
  4. Even after delivery women get contractions during breast feeding it can be quite painful but this pain is definitely gain as you will loose your belly fat faster.
  5. Craving during pregnancy are fine and quiet enjoyable but for women who develop pica it is troublesome. Pica is an urge or a craving to have non edible products like chalk, mud, paint, if you feel you have these urges please consult your doctor as soon as possible.
  6. Everyone around you have their opinions their advices, relax it is ok pick up and follow what you like rest just garbage. A mothers instinct is the best judge hear everyone follow only your heart.
  7. It is seen and has happened some women tend to poop during delivery it is normal and nothing to be ashamed off, at that time every mother just thinks off getting the baby out as soon as she can, so nothing to worry as your doctor is aware that it can happen so he or she won’t bother too.
  8. In some women post deliver some women can continue bleeding for a few days it can also last up to 6 weeks, even C-section women can bleed it is normal and nothing to worry about. Still if the bleeding is heavy please consult your doctor.
  9. In rare cases it is seen the mother may not feel the sudden love burst at first sight of the baby instead may feel depressed. It is nothing to drown yourself in guilt about it is fine you are not a demon it is because your hormones are completely imbalanced you are mentally and physically tired and can feel irritable and depressed. This phase and everything will calm down soon and you will embrace your baby with all the love and passion.
  10. No one knows what can happen, what they will go through no one has an idea so don’t stress over it end of the day you are doing your best and have no guilt or fear. It is a lovely phase, it has its ups and downs but in the end it is a journey whose destination is happiness

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