Tuesday 6 May 2014

Infertility in men

Infertility has become a huge issue in our county. Nearly every other couple is going through fertility issue and is not able to conceive naturally. From every 5 couples who suffer from infertility one of the couple in which the male partner has fertility issue. Male fertility has in the past few years grown due to stressful work environment.

The reasons that lead to infertility in men are as follows-
1.Mumps- men after puberty at times can contract mumps and mumps after puberty can lead to damaging the sperm quality and at times lead to male infertility.

2. Varicocele- occurs when veins that carry blood to the testicle get injured or damaged and is not able to carry blood to the testicle. This loss of blood circulation can cause hindrance to the sperm production. In some cases with proper treatment of varicocele sperm count has improved.

3. Undescended Testicle- is a condition that a child is born with, this condition is called 
cryptorchidism. Usually this condition diminishes after a certain period if treated in time but if left untreated this condition can lead to infertility later in life.

4. Testicular Cancer- this cancer usually get diagnosed late that too only when the couple is trying to conceive and are not able too. If not detected in time testicular cancer can spread to the other parts of the body. Testicular cancer leads to male infertility.

5. Diabetes or sugar- has lead to infertility in both male and female. In men diabetes is known to affect the quality as well as the sperm count.

6. Surgery or Injury of the testicle or the penis- can lead to infertility. Injury due to an accident or a sports injury can cause harm to the testicle and this can lead to poor quality of sperms.

7. Physical Abnormalities at times are also known to lead to infertility.

8. Exposure to high temperatures- Men who work in  furnace or in mines or factories where the temperatures are very high, this heat can have lead to effecting the quality of the sperm. Exposure to excess heat on daily basis can lead to reducing the count as well as the quality of the sperm.

9. Stress and fatigue - too much stress and tension at work have also lead to depression and anxiety this also leads to infertility. Our environment today has become very stressful to avoid it take as many as breaks as possible and go for a vacation this will help you to deal with overwork, anxiety and stress.

10. Excess consumption of Alcohol and Smoking- Smoking tobacco leads to infertility in both male and female. Smoking has grievous effects on our health and infertility is one of them. Alcohol in limit is fine and will have no negative effects but anything in abundance is always negative. Too much of alcohol consumption on a daily base can lead to male infertility. These days there are medicines and therapies that will help you deal with alcoholism.

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