Tuesday 24 June 2014


Seeds!! Yes sounds shocking but these tiny but highly effective groups of food have some amazing benefits for women.
Seeds are a powerful clout of plant that is pure and has high in nutrition value.
Seeds and nuts are supposedly very good source of essential oils like omega3 fatty acids fiber protein and healthy minerals as well as calcium. During pregnancy seeds and nuts are very good for snacking as they are healthy rich in nutrition and low in calories.

Below list of seeds that are highly beneficial to women

1. Hemp Seeds- these seeds are a powerful source of protein, and that too an easily digestible protein making it very beneficial to pregnant women. Hemp seeds have a protein in them called global edestin which is highly nutritional for your baby. Hemp seeds contain essential fatty acids with GLA that produces anti inflammatory hormones that will protect you from asthma, arthritis and fibrumyalagia. You can add them to your 
salads or cereal even to your smoothies and juices.

2. Chia seeds
Brilliant source of omega3 fiber and calcium manganese and phosphorus all these are necessary for strengthening your bones and teeth. Chia seeds are highly beneficial if you are having then during your pregnancy as it helps fight diabetes, high blood pressure and helps in faster healing of muscle wear and tear. Best way to eat is to add them on your milk or porridge; you can roast them and use them on your salads even pastas and risotto.

3. Pumpkin seeds- known to have high levels of antioxidants these seeds have anti ageing properties. They contain highest form of vitamin E thus making them highly beneficial for your skin and hair. A handful of pumpkin seeds 3 times a week is a must especially during the first trimester of pregnancy as it helps a lot in prenatal development of your baby.
Pumpkin seeds when roasted make a healthy and tasty snack you can add paprika or lime to it to make it tastier.

4. Flaxseeds- precise source of dietary fiber omega 3 and antioxidants. For every woman who wants to have great skin and loose weight flaxseeds are a must. For pregnant women it is best to avoid those during pregnancy after delivery do add them in your diet as they help in increasing your HDL that is good cholesterol and reduces your LDL that is bad cholesterol. Helps in relief from constipation, improves immunity. Women who have 
infertility issues should add flaxseeds to their diet as it promotes fertility. Best ways to eat them is roast and eat them directly you can also consume in powder form or add it to your daily flour or your salad or your food such as pasta as well as your cereals.

5. Sunflower seeds- exceptional source of vitamin E,B and C they help in prevention of asthma , osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.
Because it is also rich in magnesium sunflower seeds help in controlling blood pressure, headaches and migraines. 
You can use it in seed form by adding it to your salads or eggs or cereals or you can buy sunflower oil to cook which is made from sunflower seeds.

6. Sesame seeds- these seeds are said to hold precautionary and remedial properties. Rich source of vitamin A & E helps in improving your cardiovascular health, functions of the lung and PMS. You can use it in your food, or use sesame oil for cooking too. Add sesame seeds to your meals and improve the nutritional value of your food.

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