Friday 25 July 2014

Guidelines on raising smart kids

No one is born imprudent or intelligent, every child is born with the same logical skill as the other, it is in the hands of the mother how she polishes her child’s skill.
All it takes for a child to reach her full cerebral potential is utilization and chaperoning of all her abilities. One does not require being a genius to raise a whiz kid all it takes is devoted disciplined parents who are ready to allocate all their time and attention to bring up their children. Simple tips to raise your kids to be smart are- Feed your child breakfast, every possible study has shown and proved that eating
breakfast is vital for the child’s development. A child who eats his breakfast daily properly and has all the possible nutrients in it will always have sharper brains, make sure his meal comprises of calcium, carbohydrate and vitamins. Understand your child’s learning ability; every child is unique and special. If
your child is not good in a particular skill he will excel in another skill so adapt what your child is good at and polish that skill more.
languages is a huge way in making your kid smarter. English, math’s and science every child learns what makes your child smarter is his knowledge of an additional language and that will make him more confident in his mature.
dancing, craft and drawing. They are a good way of sharpening your child’s creative mind. By doing other curricular activities your child will not become a genius in a day, but his learning skills will definitely improve. After all it is proved that art augments the process of learning. 
Reading is vital for overall development of your child it not only improves the child’s language skills but also his pronunciations his verbal skills and his grammar. It is proved study that a child who reads from preschool is always better grasper.
Let your child explore- exploring books magazines atlas even online research is a good way to think and act beyond the box. Push your child to read the news paper or do some
online research about all given topics from animals to countries to human body to history
everything. Sit with your child when he is doing his surfing to make sure he is going through work that is only relevant and good for him. Internet is a huge world it has its pros and cons make sure your child is using the pros of this world to his maximize his personal ability.

Teach your child different language or languages; promoting your child to learn other
Make your child join creative activities, making your child do activities like singing,

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