Thursday 10 July 2014

Strategies to stop your baby from waking up in the night

Every baby gets up at night I don’t know if it is a traditional feat or just plain emotional comfort, every child is known to throw tantrums a night.Babies are tiny and can be molded and routed to however you want them too, quiet contrary to the belief that a child rules a mother’s life theory. Getting up in the night is not a physical need but an emotional need of the child, and are we as mothers responsible for it? This is something every mother needs to sit and reevaluate. If your little angel turns into a hooting owl at night and is throwing all the possible tantrums for your attention you need to analyze is it really her hunger for food or just some poignant comfort. We know how it is for every mom running after the baby taking care of the house and in the end instead of a good sleep she has her baby waking her up at vague hours, only to attend to her unreasonable tantrum.Once your baby is 6 months or more there is no dietary reason for him to be awake he is only craving for attention. 
Try simple methods to minimize their waking hours-

1. Feed the baby properly all through the day and take special care to give her a full tummy meal before bed time.
2. Night time should be sleep time so if your baby is up bore your baby back to sleep. No loving conversations no playing just a quick diaper change and rock her back to bed.
3. Babies at times cry only for the heck of it, do not let that affect you. By letting the baby cry a little bit doesn’t make you a bad mother it is just a little hard route to discipline.

Read more about how to ready your baby for sleep at:

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