Thursday 20 March 2014

Does Radiation do harm to the baby ?

Definitely Yes!! Anything that is not natural and has harmful rays will disturb the foetus in your womb. Frankly the question is not does it affect, the question is how much do these rays affect and harm the baby. Though your baby is very well protected by your womb but certain rays can penetrate the protective walls of the womb and harm your baby, where as some rays are very mild and are of no harm at all.

Every day our body is surrounded by rays all aorund us, in our day to day life we are surrounded by rays from our wifi, microwaves, our air conditioners, our televisions, laptops, radios, cell phones but these rays aren't harmful and have no affect on the baby directly but keeping a little distance from these gadgets when you are in the early trimester would be better.

The above mentioned gadgets have radiations that are absolutely harmless so they will have no affect on you or your baby even sunlight is known to have harmful UV rays but each of these rays have a neutral amount of energy and are not harmful. It is only when we talk of radiation that have high intensity is that you need to be careful with these radiations are called ionizing radiations these come from x ray machines, chemotheraphy, nuclear weapons these have some serious health affects on your un-born baby.

In the first trimester the foetus is still very week and not fully developed at this stage the mother needs to be extra careful from any kind of high intensity radiations as these radiations can severly harm the baby's development. Ionizing radiations are very harmful for the growth of the the baby it can lead to defective growth physical deformations, in some cases even uneven brain performance has been noted. Some rays can be so harmful to the extent that they can even lead to cancer in the baby's later life. The cancers that can be caused due to these radiation exposures are leukemia, thyroid cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer. Though the womb is a protective cover for your baby that can limit the harmful effects of radiations but certain radiations are so harmful that can lead to harming your baby and you. So best would be to keep yourself away from any kind of rays.

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