Thursday 27 March 2014

Everything in moderation is the right way.

I know I have emphasized you need to work out, you need to follow a strict food pattern but I have not asked you to become obsessed about it. Working out is a must but there are some lines that you shouldn't cross for your and your baby's safety.  Working out under   supervision is best as your trainer is aware of your condition and the number of weeks you are pregnant so will plan your training sessions as per that. In case you are working out without a personal trainer then I recommend you to stick to walking, jogging, and swimming and cycling let me clarify a few things here. 

First walking is perfect for all the trimesters be it your first second or third you can do brisk walking always but please for heaven sake ensure you are wearing proper walking shoes and are walking on smooth surfaces not on rocky or slippery paths where the chances of falling are very high.

In case of jogging, I mean jogging and not running, firstly avoid jogging in the first trimester and begin only if your health care expert is fine with it, again make sure you are wearing shoes perfect for jogging and they have a strong base and are non-slippery. Investing in a good pair of sports shoes is a sensible decision as wrong shoes will only and only do damage. A good sports shoe will never tire your feet or put your ankles in any kind of duress.
Swimming again should be done if your health care expert is fine with it, try avoid swimming in the first trimester instead doing some light water aerobics will do wonders to your body as water has a calming effect on the body and swimming or light water aerobics will help your nerves calm and give you the fitness level you aiming for.

Cycling is good again with the doctor's permission, and remember you are cycling to get fit not participate in a cycling race so keep your pace slow and make sure you are not feeling any kind of pain or discomfort. In case you feel even a minor cramp or pain please stop immediately and call up your doctor. Cycling is a superb exercise to improve your cardio-respiratory fitness level as it will increase your stamina to a great extent.

Joining the gym to work out is not permitted if you have joined to do some cardio workout s then it is fine but please do not pick up weights or exercise on any machines where weight needs to be lifted,  stick to the walker or the stepper or the cycle for your workouts. Maintaining your health is the reason we ask you to work out and not to loose weight as pregnancy is not the time to loose weight, you will have ample time later to loose your weight.  Use pregnancy as a reason to get active and fit and I mean fit not thin, make sure you are eating your carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and vitamins property. 

Eating right and working out well should be your mantra to a healthy body, healthy mind and in turn a healthy baby.

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