Friday 11 April 2014

Pregnancy makes every women naturally beautiful.

It is a proven fact that every woman looks and feels more beautiful when pregnant. The glow is because for the first time in your life you are eating guilt free or the glow of becoming a mother I can't say. All I know is a woman looks her best when she is pregnant or then in her 40's. The transformation from a lady to a woman is an awesome phase of her life when she is the center of attention everyone wants to pamper her take care of her all this adds to your happiness and if you are happy internally it will show externally. 

Eating healthy and high in nutrition food is  also a reason for your glowing skin, when pregnant we take extra care about everything we have our proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and calcium properly and all this shows on our skin.  Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants make sure you have a daily portion of fruits at least 2 times a day.

Vegetables should be a part of your food daily and in all the meals. Vegetables are a great source of very important nutrients for you and your baby. Calcium is essential be it in form of milk, cheese, butter, cream anything just do not forget your calcium and fact is calcium also has a lot to do with attaining blemish free glowing complexion. 

Nuts are rich in omega 3 and has good oils which are sure to add natural oils and moisturizer to your skin, make sure you are eating a good portion of nuts daily, some nuts are to be avoided when pregnant please check with your health care expert on this. Good nutrition healthy diet and active lifestyle will keep you healthy from inside and when you are healthy from inside you will automatically glow from outside.

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