Wednesday 16 April 2014

Signs of Infertility

What is infertility? Infertility is when even after having sex without protection repeatedly for more than a year and still there is no sign of pregnancy. The biggest sign of infertility is not getting pregnant the natural way, this is the most noticeable symptom.

Infertility can have may causes and reasons, majorly age related and health related but there are times one cannot even find the cause or the reason for infertility in some women.

Signs of infertility in women are -
1. Abnormal menstrual cycle- In women the major reason for infertility is abnormal changes in the menstrual cycle like excess bleeding or at times scarce bleeding , irregularity in the dates of your monthly cycle, without a reason excessive delay in getting your periods and at times women also cease to have their periods without any health reason your periods just stop.
Excess pain during menstrual cycle can also at times lead to infertility many women complain of pain in their back , their feet as well as stomach cramps . This is fine if in bearable range but if too much of pain and cramps then you should not take it lightly and show it to your doctor immediately.
2. Hormonal changes and imbalance - Again happens in many cases where hormonal problems have lead to infertility. The signs  for hormonal changes or imbalance are change in the skin color like darkening of the skin as well as sudden appearance of acne, dark and excess hair growth on the face especially on the lips , chin and breast. In many  women they will also realise they are losing a lot of hair as well as thinning and greying of the hair.
3. Sex related- Due to emotional or phycological reason if a women loses her interest in sex or for whatever reason experience too much pain while intercourse this too is a symptom of infertility.
The symptoms and signs of infertility varies from women to women and as  said earlier sometimes even with no signs or reason we have seen infertility in women. More than anything in our times the major reason for the decline in fertility and increase in infertility is because of stressful lifestyle and that needs to be assessed and taken care off.

Signs of Infertility in men-

Though the signs of infertility in men will not come to our notice till he gets all his tests done but these are some signs which you should be aware off 
1. In men look for signs in their hair growth if you see sudden changes like balding or greying show it to the doctor immediately.

2. Uncanny pain , swelling and sensitivity in their testicle ' s can also cause infertility.

3. If a man has suddenly undergone major change in sexual desires or is having a problem in his erection as well as ejaculation is also a major sign of infertility.

Signs of infertility are never the same in men and women everyone has their own symptoms and reason what is important is not losing hope and making changes to live a healthier and active life this will solve 50% of your infertility problem.

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