Tuesday 13 May 2014

Air Travel during Pregnancy

Air travel’s in most cases isn’t a health hazard during pregnancy. If you have been healthy all through your term, then there is no reason to worry. But still at any given point it is always best to check with your gynecologist before taking to air travel.In some cases when the pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy and bed rest is advised all through, then air travel should be most avoided. In some cases patients who have been sufferings from high blood pressure levels during pregnancy again air travel is prohibited. It’s best to avoid air travel in the first trimester as you have just got pregnant and your body and the baby both are very fragile and the chances of a miscarriage are very high. The mid trimester is the safest and the best time to travel by air.

During the last trimester air travel should be avoided too, as it can lead to premature labor. Speak to your health care expert before planning your travel. If you have been permitted then before booking your ticket also inform the airline authorities about your condition so they can make things easier for you while air traveling. A seat which is more comfortable closer to the washroom and has enough leg space will be give to you.  While take off make sure the seat belt you wear it below on the abdomen and not on your stomach.

Ask the flight attendant to give you a cushion to keep on your lower back to avoid unnecessary jolts. Drink lots and lots of fluid keep your self well hydrated. If air pressure bothers you, it’s best to put some cotton in your ears or wear head phones and listen to music. You can also chew gum to avoid ear clogging. Once the flight has taken off and the seat belt sign is off you can get up and take a small walk to ward off cramps. Precaution is always better than cure. If travel is a must then follow all your health care experts advice completely. Have a safe pregnancy!

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