Friday 16 May 2014

Essentials of reading to your baby

My daughter was about 6 months old and every night it had some how become a routine I had to read to her only then would she even agree to lie down. How did it begin am really not sure but her all time favorite was 3 little pigs, till she understood that cute little piggy was not the only book on earth.

Reading has always been my passion and somewhere reading during my prenatal instilled it her too I guess. Since her birth we used sing softly to put her to bed, her aunts gift of colorful touch and feel books one day caught her attention all she was doing with it was putting them in her mouth.

I gently took the book from her read started reading them to her and that’s the day to day she being an 11 year old today has never slept without reading a book.
Wondering why am I saying this to you, or even emphasizing that reading to your baby is essential.

For the initial months your baby won’t even understand what you are reading out to them the colors on the book will keep them more occupied, but what we fail to see or notice is that the baby finds solace in your voice. Reading to your baby every night becomes a bonding activity shared between the two of you. Your baby looks forward to spending that quality 20 minutes with their mom and it’s a great way to teach your baby so many things.

While reading out to them you are teaching then the art to communique, you in a fun way are already making them aware about colors , animals, shapes ect, it sharpens their motor skills and helps to improve their vocabulary considerably, it also improves their sense of recognition.
You will be amazed how soon she has learnt all the words you once read out to them, by the time you are ready to ring in their first birthday your baby will already be making sounds of all their familiar words and also be reacting to all the things who have been conversing with them about. A child who has been read to gets to learn a lot of things from a very early stage of life, their brain starts picking up the words, the way the words are pronounced and before you know it your baby will be having a good long conversation with you about everything around.

A well read baby also tends to get in to the habit of being read to and eventually will develop the habit of reading by themselves, so comparatively they will start reading way earlier than babies who have not been read to. Whenever you are reading aloud to your baby make sure you use proper emotions and sounds as your baby is very attentively watching you and will soon be following you. Development of the babies emotional and social skills also have a lot to do with reading out to them. You are in a very positive way improving their power to think, to relate, to pronounce, to understand all you ever did was spend 20 minutes of your day reading to them.

Most importantly it’s the best way to connect and get closer to your baby, as I said in the initial months its not the story that keeps them attentive its your voice and your cuddles that is giving them solace, the child will grow associating himself with reading being a happy activity and thus shaping him to become an avid reader in future.
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