Tuesday 20 May 2014

Skin problems in infants

Infant’s skin is so delicate that even a small scratch with their own nails can cause them severe discomfort.
Infants have very sensitive skin, hence their skin is prone to rashes, acne and these infections are harmless they will disappear also as soon as they appeared.
Some common skin issues that infants can have-

Diaper rash most common and inevitable rash that the baby develops. This rash can be so irritable that it is for sure going to keep you and your baby up nearly the entire night.
Diaper rash can be avoided if you always apply diaper rash cream or Vaseline before making the baby wear the diaper. Change their diaper as often as possible too, in case they have diaper rash then try and keep the baby open that day. Avoid a diaper and apply diaper rash cream even Vaseline is good to cure it.

Infant acne, it is again a common phenomenon nothing to get hassled over. This acne will disappear just as it appeared avoid any cream ointment or antiseptic on it just leave it to heal naturally. In case your baby suffers from baby acne more than often then for sure he is allergic to the baby lotion or body wash you are using stop using it for some days to know what is causing the acne.
Always try and use chemical free branded toiletries for your babies.

Birth marks, this again is very common we all have them even now. Some babies are born with marks and some develop them later in life. There is no medical problem connected to birthmarks they are harmless.

Eczema, this is a skin allergy in children which is said to be very irritating and troublesome. This allergy can be caused due to certain soap, lotion, powder even clothes detergents. As said earlier try and use only branded chemical free products for children. In clothes detergents use only liquid softeners as they are far better than washing powders try and switch to them as soon as possible.

Dry skin is a problem for children born in cold countries.  Canada is a cold country we have harsh winters and even throughout the year there is a chill in the climate this cold weather can lead to dryness of the skin. Babies have very sensitive skin so their skin will dry even more and look chapped. To avoid this use good baby oil especially like coconut oil which is high in moisture and will keep the babies skin soft and supple. Make sure you load the baby with enough baby lotion every time you bathe sponge or even just wipe them.

It is important to keep the babies laundry clean and hence make sure you are using mild detergents. Do not mix your clothes with the babies, always wash your child’s clothes, bed sheets pillow covers blankets etc separately at least till they are 5 years old. While bathing use only Luke warm water too hot or cold water can dry the baby skin. Use good quality chemical free baby products only. Make sure you massage the baby everyday with a good oil you can use coconut oil, olive oil , even a branded baby oil to keep the babies skin soft and they will also sleep well after the massage. 

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