Wednesday 18 June 2014

Acknowledgment of a Father

Fatherhood no one said is easy, it won’t be wrong to say it is as hard motherhood may be more. As the father it becomes your responsibility to provide the best to your child and your family. Earning money to give your child a good life is not easy and it is the father’s responsibility.
Every father has to work hard to secure their child’s future by earning loads of money. But for a father it is also important to understand earning money is not enough he needs to do more by spending not quantity but quality time with their child . In the growing years of your child it is important for the child to be guided by both the father and the mother.
It is important for the child to realize that father’s are not just ATM machines but also their comrade their guide and their protector.
As a new age parent you are expected to be involved in a hell of a lot, raising your child you cant just leave everything for the mother. Your wife is already a full time home maker and in some cases she is also working so it is important for you to realize that you too should be a part of raising your child and not just leave it to your wife.

There are ways and means that if incorporated you can spend some quality time with your child and help your wife in handling the child-

Every child waits for Sunday morning, why because they know that their dads will be home it is family time and every child looks forward to it. Even as a father you wait for Sunday as you get to relax and read your news paper at length over never ending cups of cappuccino. And your child wants you to read her a story what you can do is start reading interesting articles for your child. Glance through the paper pick up interesting articles for your child and read it out to them. So a small activity like news paper reading becomes a great time spent with your child.

Watch a movie together, after work you’re tired you want to rest as well as have some office work to do and your child is waiting for you to watch his favorite cartoon with you. What you could do is put on the child’s favorite cartoon and sit a little behind your child and quietly do your work your child will not know you are doing your work and will be happily engrossed in his movie at the same time feeling happy that his dad is with him too. This way your work is done and your child has enjoyed a good time with you.

Workout with your child, yes best way to workout and not waste thousands of dollars on gym membership. Take the child to the park with you while he plays you run or jog. You can even also invent new games where your child can also run with you. This will keep you in shape and your child will be happy with the outdoor fun she has with her dad.

Doing your work and child’s homework together, best way to spend time with your child is to sit with her and do each ones homework together! What is important is your child feels secure and happy that you are with her helping her out with her work and just being there with her makes all the difference.
While she is doing her work you can do yours and once all your work is done you can check her work and that it good quality time spent in which you and she are happy.

Sometimes just trench office! Why not you need a break and end of the day there is no work in the universe that really can’t be done later. Frankly neither is there any work in the world that in comparison is more worthy than spending some quality time with your child. Nothing is so important that you have to sacrifice your child’s time for. Unwind giggle chill have fun with your child it is the best pressure buster in the world.
As they say sometimes the best parenting hack is just to be a parent. Visit at: 

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