Sunday 8 June 2014

Bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a joyous time but with good comes bad with joy comes a little sorrow, same way it is not an easy road there can be complications, issues, some minor some major. Fact remains it is a delicate phase and needs lots and lots of care precaution safety and health.
Bleeding is common during the first three months, but to some extent. Till some extent it is not harmful, but if in excess it can become a serious condition. In this situation it is important for the doctor to check the growth of the baby and the mother’s condition. Unforeseen bleeding is definitely a cause of concern for every to be mother, but as said before it need not always be grievous.
Nearly 40 to 50 % of women bleed in the first trimester, some will see a reddish brown color spotting that is old blood it is harmless spotting so nothing to worry about. If you see a pinkish form of discharge this is due to dilation of the cervix that too is not threatening. But in some cases bright red spotting of fresh blood , that is a cause of concern depending on the flow, if the flow is just 2 to 3 spots then it is ok but if the spotting increases to profuse bleeding then it can collide with the pregnancy.
Implantation bleeding is harmless, this happens when you bleed after 2 to 3 weeks of getting pregnant. This is common and this happens when the fertilized egg affixes to the uterus lining.
Premature labor also lead to bleeding, this in medical term is called pre-term labor. For this you need medical help you will have to go through a series of injection and treatment to rectify this cause.
Vaginal infection can lead to spotting too, infections like herpes; gonorrhea can lead to spotting please take proper treatment as this can also pass on to your baby.
Polyps in the cervical are sudden growths due to augmentation in the levels of estrogen or severe inflammation even due to blood vessel clogging. This is not hazardous, a small procedure is done to remove them it has no negative impact on your pregnancy.
Miscarriage is a word every woman dread’s when she is pregnant, sometimes whatever precaution or safety you take miscarriage can happen. Reasons of miscarriage can be genetic, structural as well as immunity abnormalities and disorder. Fact remains there is no way to forecast or avert miscarriage.
In very rare cases the placenta detaches away from the wall of the uterus, this too is a grave situation and losing the baby is a possibility.

Bleeding can be terrifying but you need to be patient and have a hold on yourself, worrying will not help you just stay cam and have faith .

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