Wednesday 4 June 2014

Teaching the child how to talk

Parents play a pivotal role in their child’s lingual development; it is a proved study that children who have been read well to or spoken more often develop their language skills faster and from a much earlier age. If you have more than 1 child you must have noticed that your younger child has spoken faster than your elder child as the younger child learns faster from his or her elder sibling.

A child whose parent has made it a point to read d to them every night at bed time not only has spoken faster but their vocabulary and grammar is much faster developed.
To develop your child’s language skills you should follow the given below requisites-

 Talk to your baby,  keep talking to your baby as often as possible while every activity talk to your baby about it for instance while feeding the baby tell the baby it is your feed time while bathing tell your baby it is time for your bath . This way the more you talk the faster your baby will relate to the words.

Read to your baby every day a study has proved a baby who is read to often relate faster with words and has sharper grammar and language skills. Another best thing about reading is that it will create a bonding between the parent and the child from a very early age. Buy sum nice bed time stories and start reading to your baby from today.

Music is a good way to cheer up your baby as well as enjoy some mother child bonding time. Play them some nice and catchy nursery rhymes this will keep them happy as music is said to have positive effects on your baby and they will learn the right pronunciation of words.

Pay attention to your child’s likes and dislikes if you feel your child is fond of a certain book or a certain character keep reading the same book to her. And when she babbles while hearing the story don’t babble back instead talk back. Like I know my baby loves this book. Or yes I know you love hearing this story. Try to read your babies thoughts and actions.

Praise the child for every effort. Praising the child is very important to boost their self confidence do not criticize your child’s speech or vocabulary instead correct it nicely but with it don’t forget to eulogize the child’s efforts.

Take the child for field trips to places of her amusement like zoos, Water Park. The animal safari in Toronto is super place to teach your child about animals. The water park at Niagara is great place to teach your child about aquatic animal and this will be a fun way to teach.
Taking the child to the local park to play and interacting with other children is also a good way to initiate the child to develop her language skills.
A mother toddler class is also an immense way to bond with your baby and for sure your baby learns a lot from it.

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