Monday 18 August 2014

What after a Miscarriage?

Thousands of women go through miscarriages, it is a proved fact that 70% of pregnancies result in miscarriages. Though most go unnoticed as they happen much earlier and they feel like a normal delayed menstrual cycle. The first symptom of miscarriage is bleeding which may range from simple spotting to heavy bleeding. Though miscarriage itself may not be a painful procedure, it is a very tormenting procedure emotionally. A woman can be physically and emotionally drained after one miscarriage, it is important for her to take time off everything and rest to heal .Bleeding will take a few days to stop in some cases medicines are also given to stop bleeding. During this time right nutrition and rest is something a women has to take care off.

Sexual intercourse should be avoided till the doctor recommends as chances of an infection are very high.

It is important for a woman to have a diet which is rich in iron, so as to compensate for the blood loss of the body.

Most important what a women needs in this situation is support and love of her partner family and friends. Give her time to rest and space to grieve her loss but stand by her to give her assurance that she is not alone in this difficult period.

In some cases counseling may also be taken to help her to deal with the loss.It takes about 2 to 3 months for a women’s body to come back to normal after a miscarriage. It is advisable to plan your next pregnancy only after the healing period, but before doing that a through investigation needs to be done to rule out any possible causes of repeated miscarriage.

But most important is to ensure that the women’s basic nutrition and mental health is completely corrected before trying for another baby. For more details 

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