Monday 18 August 2014

What after a Miscarriage?

Thousands of women go through miscarriages, it is a proved fact that 70% of pregnancies result in miscarriages. Though most go unnoticed as they happen much earlier and they feel like a normal delayed menstrual cycle. The first symptom of miscarriage is bleeding which may range from simple spotting to heavy bleeding. Though miscarriage itself may not be a painful procedure, it is a very tormenting procedure emotionally. A woman can be physically and emotionally drained after one miscarriage, it is important for her to take time off everything and rest to heal .Bleeding will take a few days to stop in some cases medicines are also given to stop bleeding. During this time right nutrition and rest is something a women has to take care off.

Sexual intercourse should be avoided till the doctor recommends as chances of an infection are very high.

It is important for a woman to have a diet which is rich in iron, so as to compensate for the blood loss of the body.

Most important what a women needs in this situation is support and love of her partner family and friends. Give her time to rest and space to grieve her loss but stand by her to give her assurance that she is not alone in this difficult period.

In some cases counseling may also be taken to help her to deal with the loss.It takes about 2 to 3 months for a women’s body to come back to normal after a miscarriage. It is advisable to plan your next pregnancy only after the healing period, but before doing that a through investigation needs to be done to rule out any possible causes of repeated miscarriage.

But most important is to ensure that the women’s basic nutrition and mental health is completely corrected before trying for another baby. For more details 

Saturday 16 August 2014

Naming Your Baby

Keeping your child’s name? Keep it with care, charm and poise so you and your child will be proud of it.

1. When thinking of a name first you need to decide whether you want the name to be traditional or a name which is popular or are you looking for a distinctive name.
This has to be the first decision to considered so that whatever name you choose in the end turns out to be classy conventional and unique at the same time.

2. While keeping your child’s name also think of your family history of names there are many families who follow the tradition of keeping their sons name on their great grandfathers. It is a great way to keep the family legacy, but do make sure while keeping the legacy intact don’t keep something your child is not happy being called. So consider all the pros and cons when you keep names on the names of the forefathers.

3.Sit with your partner and  make a list of names that can include family names your favorite name or names that are popular, while writing the list you will realize some names sound better but spelt with difficulty so making a list is a good decision as it will enlarge your name choice list.

4. Remember that your child will be linked to the name forever, all through her life she will have that name, which will be her recognition so do not make haste decisions take your time to decide.

5. Before finalizing the name keep memorizing the name in your head this will give you the feel on how the name sounds as this is the name you will take the most in your life time.

6. Most important do not get into the complications of gender affiliations.

7. Also make sure the name and the last name amalgamate well.

8. Last but definitely not the least your child’s name spelling has to be proper, so please double check it before registering it. To know more

Friday 25 July 2014

Guidelines on raising smart kids

No one is born imprudent or intelligent, every child is born with the same logical skill as the other, it is in the hands of the mother how she polishes her child’s skill.
All it takes for a child to reach her full cerebral potential is utilization and chaperoning of all her abilities. One does not require being a genius to raise a whiz kid all it takes is devoted disciplined parents who are ready to allocate all their time and attention to bring up their children. Simple tips to raise your kids to be smart are- Feed your child breakfast, every possible study has shown and proved that eating
breakfast is vital for the child’s development. A child who eats his breakfast daily properly and has all the possible nutrients in it will always have sharper brains, make sure his meal comprises of calcium, carbohydrate and vitamins. Understand your child’s learning ability; every child is unique and special. If
your child is not good in a particular skill he will excel in another skill so adapt what your child is good at and polish that skill more.
languages is a huge way in making your kid smarter. English, math’s and science every child learns what makes your child smarter is his knowledge of an additional language and that will make him more confident in his mature.
dancing, craft and drawing. They are a good way of sharpening your child’s creative mind. By doing other curricular activities your child will not become a genius in a day, but his learning skills will definitely improve. After all it is proved that art augments the process of learning. 
Reading is vital for overall development of your child it not only improves the child’s language skills but also his pronunciations his verbal skills and his grammar. It is proved study that a child who reads from preschool is always better grasper.
Let your child explore- exploring books magazines atlas even online research is a good way to think and act beyond the box. Push your child to read the news paper or do some
online research about all given topics from animals to countries to human body to history
everything. Sit with your child when he is doing his surfing to make sure he is going through work that is only relevant and good for him. Internet is a huge world it has its pros and cons make sure your child is using the pros of this world to his maximize his personal ability.

Teach your child different language or languages; promoting your child to learn other
Make your child join creative activities, making your child do activities like singing,

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Diaper time can be fun time

What make me squirm with anger; at these media advertisements is when they depict diaper time to be the most difficult time for every parent to cope with. They will show a father who is so scared of this time, as if he is being sent to a war.
Calm down it is all nothing but an advertisement gimmick showing how that particular diaper makes this tough task fun. Fact remains it is not a hard task, instead it is the best time to bond and spend some quality time loving your baby.
Diaper time can be a great time to play as well as bond with your baby, it is a great time to cuddle your baby kiss him and shower him with abundance of your love. Your baby is so close to you look into his eyes, smile talk to him make funny faces tickle him with your nose kiss him all over make her feel that this changing time is a quality time between the mother and the baby.
I know major with not agree as most parents have to face screaming yelling and kicking babies, it is tough I know but not impossible to calm the baby. You need to focus on the fact that you will do all it takes to make this task a fun task. Take it as a way to spend time with your little one and not as a chore. If all your playing loving has failed then use the best invention for every mother called the Soother, just pop the soother in his mouth once he is changed remove it by then 

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Swimming Diaper for Your Trendy Babies

Swimmi by Bummis chic smart stylish swimming diaper for your trendy babies!
Peace of mind and fashion is a title not everyone can claim but Swimmi’s can, their reusable diapers will make your baby look haute and modish it’s nylon traps will keep the babies mess inside and keep the pool you and baby mess free.

Leaving the pool in awkwardness because your baby messed up and his mess leaked through the disposable diaper is now a thing of the past. Now the most ideal way to go swimming with your baby is buying the swimmi and going in the pool stress free.
These reusable diapers are available in various cool prints, you are sure to fall in love with their prints plus they are available in all sizes from Small to Extra large, so how ever small or large your baby is you will find one in his size.

If expediency and console came at a price then reusable swimming diapers should be the most expensive wear, but that is not the case. Swimmi by Bummis are the most affordable ecologically friendly and handy swimming diapers. A must buy for every mother, who wishes to take her baby swimming. Swimmis’s are diapers which have been specifically designed for swimming purpose to get more information as well as order please click the following link

Customized baby wrap towels

Customized baby wrap towels!! What a fabulous way to warp your baby and keep them dry after a swim or even a bath at home. These towels can be made in the shape of any animal that you order you can also get your child name written on it, that too for no extra cost. 100% cotton and 200% adorable these wrap up towels are the cutest thing on the block fetch one right now. You can pick them up at The Land of Nod who has a name for offering good quality products at reasonable prices.

At The Land of Nod, nothing is more important than providing safe, high-quality products to us and our families. These exclusive hooded towel wraps are made in shape of animals you can choose between the fox, bunny, bear and the penguin. The sizes of these wraps are 48”x27” making them big enough to wrap your baby safely and comfortably. Perfect to order for your baby or your friend’s baby or a relatives baby as they can also be given as an ideal gift. These wraps being 100% cotton are easy to wash and dry at home they are perfect for machine wash as well as dryer friendly. Bring a smile to your babies face when she sees her favorite animal towel and that too with her name on it.  These customized wraps are available on the following link

Thursday 10 July 2014

Strategies to stop your baby from waking up in the night

Every baby gets up at night I don’t know if it is a traditional feat or just plain emotional comfort, every child is known to throw tantrums a night.Babies are tiny and can be molded and routed to however you want them too, quiet contrary to the belief that a child rules a mother’s life theory. Getting up in the night is not a physical need but an emotional need of the child, and are we as mothers responsible for it? This is something every mother needs to sit and reevaluate. If your little angel turns into a hooting owl at night and is throwing all the possible tantrums for your attention you need to analyze is it really her hunger for food or just some poignant comfort. We know how it is for every mom running after the baby taking care of the house and in the end instead of a good sleep she has her baby waking her up at vague hours, only to attend to her unreasonable tantrum.Once your baby is 6 months or more there is no dietary reason for him to be awake he is only craving for attention. 
Try simple methods to minimize their waking hours-

1. Feed the baby properly all through the day and take special care to give her a full tummy meal before bed time.
2. Night time should be sleep time so if your baby is up bore your baby back to sleep. No loving conversations no playing just a quick diaper change and rock her back to bed.
3. Babies at times cry only for the heck of it, do not let that affect you. By letting the baby cry a little bit doesn’t make you a bad mother it is just a little hard route to discipline.

Read more about how to ready your baby for sleep at: